What is repudiation?

There are many complexities and challenges that can arise during construction projects. However, there is a critical aspect that often goes overlooked – understanding the concept of repudiation of a building contract. Repudiation refers to a situation where a party to the contract either expressly or impliedly communicates their inability or unwillingness to perform their contractual obligations.

An example of repudiation is where a Builder leaves a project that they were contracted to complete. Or makes a statement to the Owner to the effect of “I will be unable to finish your project if I can’t get supply of material”.

Repudiation carries little weight without clear communication of termination. It is essential to express the acceptance of the termination of contract. While the acceptance of the termination of the contract is typically done in writing, it can also be demonstrated through clear conduct.  It’s important to note that the passage of time may prevent termination based on repudiatory conduct. And therefore, one must act within a reasonable time of the party’s repudiatory conduct.

Accepting a repudiation releases both parties from future performance obligations. However, accrued rights under the contract remain unaffected.

In the case of a Builder, when a contract is repudiated, a Builder may seek recourse through a claim of quantum meruit. That is, the Builder may claim it is entitled to be paid for the reasonable amount of the work performed up until the date the building contract is ended.  The contract price serves as a cap or ceiling on what the Builder may be entitled to recover under quantum meruit. While Builders may be able to claim loss of profits and interest, it’s important to understand the limitations imposed by the contract price.

Owners, when faced with repudiation, may incur costs related to rectifying damages. This includes the expenses associated with completing the works, commonly referred to as “extra over” costs. Therefore, both the Builder and the Owner should be aware of these potential claims and ensure that their actions do not contribute to a situation that could lead to repudiation.

It is important to effectively handle situations involving repudiation. You should consider the following lessons:

  • Seek legal advice early: Consulting legal professionals can help navigate the complexities of repudiation and contract termination.
  • Correspondence is critical: Clear and concise communication is essential, as evidenced in the Sopov v Kane case documenting breach or repudiatory conduct is crucial for legal purposes.
  • Analyse your conduct: Assess whether your behaviour may be considered repudiatory, as it can have significant implications for the building contract.
  • Offer alternative positions: Providing the other party with alternative positions or options can help prevent the situation from escalating further.
  • Avoid unreasonable positions: Holding an unreasonable position can exacerbate the conflict and increase the likelihood of a contract being repudiated.
  • Exercise caution with notices: Pay careful attention when issuing notices, ensuring they are accurate, timely, and adhere to contractual requirements (for example, ensure they are served corrected on the other party).
  • Understand the implications of without prejudice negotiations: Without prejudice discussions can impact the outcome of a contract, so it’s essential to understand the potential risks and benefits.
  • Recognise the subjectivity: Resolving disputes regarding repudiation is a question of fact, and there is no guaranteed outcome, so you should always act with the utmost caution.
  • Consider the stage of work: Under the Domestic Building Contracts Act, the stage of work completed holds significant importance. Understanding its implications can help guide decisions and negotiations effectively.

Repudiation and acceptance of contracts present complex challenges and by understanding repudiation and its implications you can navigate these situations more effectively. By applying the above lessons you can approach contractual disputes with greater confidence and take proactive steps to protect your interests. Seeking legal advice and maintaining clear communication throughout the process will remain crucial in managing these challenging situations.

Chat to us if you’d like more information or advice.

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