The Special Children’s Christmas Party

The Special Children’s Christmas Parties are the biggest events of their kind in Australia for special needs children and their families, and this year Spectrum Lawyers & Consultants are delighted to be a Bronze Sponsor.

Can you believe we are even talking about Christmas!? Where did 2021 go? Even though we’ve spent a lot of time in lockdown here in Victoria, I can’t believe we are mid-October 2021!

As many of you know, Autism Awareness is close to our hearts, but this year we have decided to take things a step further by supporting vulnerable kids and giving them a reason to smile at Christmas.

The Special Children’s Christmas Party is normally held at the end of each yet, but unfortunately this year it cannot proceed due to COVID-19 restrictions. So instead, over 8,000 toys will be delivered to these amazing kids in time for Christmas. The Team at Special Children’s Christmas Parties are working in partnership with over 150 children’s charities who have nominated children aged between 2-12 years old to have something delivered to them so that they can forget about their daily challenges – even if for just a moment. The goal of this drive is simple: To put smiles on these children’s faces for at least one day this year!

Special children may include children suffering from one or more of the following:

  • Terminal/life threatening illness
  • Special needs/intellectual impairment
  • Mental and physical impairment
  • Victims of sexual abuse/domestic violence

This event is particularly close to our hearts because of our little boy, Jayden who is on the Spectrum. Through amazing organisations such as the Special Children’s Christmas Party, we have been able to attend these wonderful functions where Jayden can be himself without fear or judgment. These events cater for children with special needs, they are welcomed, they feel safe, and they are all smiling with pure joy. And whilst it is unfortunate that this year we cannot hold the physical event to make them feel that pure joy, this drive of 8,000 toys will still create happy memories and moments in their lives.

To learn more about this program, see a short video here

If you would like to find out more about how you can support this amazing event, feel free to contact us so we can put you in touch with Special Children’s Christmas Party, or go to

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