Are you ready for 2022?

As we approach the end of the year, many people are counting down until the break – especially this year! As much as we all deserve a break and some downtime, there are some very important steps all businesses should take to ensure they are prepared for 2022 when they re-open.

Here are some tips to help you get prepared.

Plan your calendar

Work out your last day for 2021 and your first day to reopen in 2022. That way you can manage your staff leave and map-out your workload. Make sure these dates are communicated to both your employees and your clients in advance so you can adequately prepare.


Complete a full review of your website to ensure all your information is still update to date. Start by updating your website with closure and opening dates. If you are going to adjust your processes and/or prices, make sure these are updated too. Make sure to review your terms and conditions, terms of use, privacy policy, etc to ensure they are compliant.


Reflect on what worked well in 2021 as well as what could have worked better. Having honest conversations with yourself like this will open up opportunities for improvement and help you focus on your strengths. You may need to consider staffing requirements, pricing adjustments, ordering supplies or process improvements. Using past indicators will help you make informed decisions for 2022.


What is your marketing strategy for 2022?  Ensure your marketing strategy aligns with your business needs, goals and vision.  Also, make sure all your marketing collateral is compliant and consistent.  The new year is a great time for a fresh start, so consider if you need to undertake a rebrand or perhaps you need to expand (or reduce) your services. Not every business wants to expand, and that is completely fine, but you have to stay current to get consistent business.


The Christmas break is the perfect time to make sure your technology is up to date, virus free and all software licenses are registered for another year.

Cashflow and budget

Whilst most businesses look at their finances at the end of the financial year, the end of the calendar year is also a good time to reflect on where unnecessary overheads may be or where further savings can be achieved. Look at where your cashflow is going to achieve its revenue. Business no doubt will be difficult for some in 2022 given the interruptions we have experienced in 2021, so having different revenue streams may be important for some businesses. An important element of budgeting is to also look at your procurement contracts and license agreements to see whether terms can be improved or terms can be more effective for your business to align with your business needs.


As we round up the year, it’s an important time to acknowledge and congratulate your staff for all their hard work. If you are planning Christmas celebrations, make sure you have the correct policies in place, ensure your staff travel to/from the venue safely and it is also important to ensure your celebrations are inclusive and inviting for all. A further consideration is to ensure leave entitlements are current and if staff have large leave, maybe this is a period where people can take extra leave to ensure leave balances are not too large for your organisation. Ensure all staff are enforced of any mandatory shut down period so all leave requests can be processed in advance. The new year also provides the opportunity to revisit your staffs KPIs and position descriptions to ensure they accurately reflect your needs. Another consideration may be uniforms – are they of the quality and image you want to represent your company, and importantly, are they inclusive for all genders and body types and preferences?

Christmas gifts and well wishes

It’s been a tough year, so remember to say thank you to those who have helped you get through 2021.  Whether it be staff, consultants, contractors, clients, family or friends – a small gesture can really make all the difference.

Be the best business you can be

And finally (but definitely not the least important) is to consider what is going to set you apart from your competitors in 2022. Why will your customers/clients prefer to do business with you rather than your competitors? Why would staff prefer to work for you rather than other organisations? All the little things you do on a day-to-day basis, like making your offices inviting, looking after your staff, giving your customers/clients a great all-round experience is important to ensure you receive great reviews, repeat business and continue to flourish in 2022.

Chat to us if you’d like to learn more about how we can support you in achieving your business outcomes.

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